Friday, January 30, 2009

Our First Christmas

Our first Christmas was memorable, but only because our family was sick! Because of the illness, Claire ended up in the ER the night of Christmas! We recovered by the weekend.

Even though we didn't feel well, we still had fun opening presents with Mom and Dad!

Santa has a hard job!

We visited with Great Grandma Reinhardt ... her "puppy" kept giving Emma kisses!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

11 Months Old!

A lot changed in Emma and Claire's 11th month. Although Claire had been scooting and rolling since she was 7 months, she started a very efficient three legged crawl shortly after Thanksgiving. We think Emma sat and watched Claire and other kids until she was able to perfect crawling. She was put on all fours one day by Lorilyn and Grandma Kennefick and off she went! They haven't stopped moving since. They pull themselves up and can walk around furniture. I think walking is in the very near future!

Sibling rivalry has already started. They get very jealous of whatever attention their sister is getting or whatever toy she has! But they also keep an eye on each other and are never a part for more than a minute.

Happy Halloween!

Although Halloween was a few months ago, we wanted show off our little princesses. The day before Halloween, Medtronic had a Halloween party where the girls dressed up and went trick or treating and met Michelle's co-workers.

Emma and Claire met some friends who are also twin sisters and had a lot of fun playing with them. They were born just a few months before them.

The next day, on Halloween, we got dressed up to see all of the kids come to our house trick or treating. The night started off okay...

and then slowly started going down hill...

until we experienced our first tantrum from Emma. The only way we could get Emma's costume off was to cut it off!